Avoid Confusion when Launching Performance Reviews for Employees with Multiple Jobs

January 16, 2024

As we near performance appraisal season, it’s important to understand how performance review routing differs for employees with multiple jobs.

While most review templates route first to the manager or employee, templates for employees with multiple jobs will route first to the HR Partner role. This additional step occurs so HR Partners can reconcile responsibilities between an employee’s multiple jobs, adding or removing responsibilities as needed.

Performance Routing and Multiple Jobs

It's also important to remember that performance reviews are worker-based and not position-based because this can affect their routing in Workday.

When a performance review routes to the HR Partner role, it will route to the HR Partners of all an employee’s jobs. Similarly, when it routes to the Manager, it will route to Managers of all the employee’s jobs. This can sometimes cause confusion for managers who don’t understand why a performance review is in their inbox. 

To avoid confusion, the best practice is to communicate with other HR Partners when launching performance reviews.

For example

An HR Partner in The College of Liberal Arts (COLA) is preparing to launch a review for an employee who also holds a second position in the College of Natural Sciences (CNS). Before launching the review, they should reach out to the HR Partner in CNS to alert them of the review. In turn, the CNS HR Partner should alert the manager and ask them not to take action on the review if they see it in their inbox. The employee’s manager in CNS will see that item removed from their inbox as soon as the employee’s manager in COLA submits the review forward.

Note: This routing behavior is not unique to performance reviews. Other worker-based business processes will behave similarly. Switch Primary Job is an example. When it routes to the HR Executive role, it will route to the HR Executive for all an employee’s jobs.

Performance Resources

Find additional performance resources by viewing Resources to Help You Prepare for Performance Appraisals.

If you need assistance, contact askUS Support at askUS@austin.utexas.edu.

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HR/Payroll (Workday)
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news performance