Courtesy Faculty Appointments help units create and track faculty relationships.

March 22, 2024

Courtesy Faculty are academic appointments that establish a relationship between faculty and another academic unit without the necessity of an additional job that has scheduled weekly hours or compensation.  The other academic unit would be another college, school, or department outside the academic unit of their primary academic appointment.

Courtesy appointments allow academic units to: 

  • create a relationship with an outside faculty member without the necessity of an additional job or PAR.
  • track and report on these faculty. 

Example 1 — ORU Research Center would like to track which faculty across the university are part of their center as non-paid members. The center can process Courtesy Faculty academic appointments for these faculty. 

Example 2 — Associate Professor Delacruz in the College of Pharmacy sometimes collaborates with departments within the Dell Medical School as a pharmacy expert. Dell Medical School can formally document and track this relationship with a Courtesy Faculty appointment.

Academic units can only create courtesy appointments for current faculty who already hold a primary faculty position and related academic appointments.  Courtesy appointments should be ended once the relationship is over. 

More information and instructions can be found on the Academic Employment page: 


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HR/Payroll (Workday)
News tags:
Academic Employment